The overarching theme of the joint conference "ISES Solar World Congress 2017" and "International Conference on Solar Heating and Cooling for Buildings and Industry" is Innovation for the 100% renewable energy transformation.
The themes and recommended topics for abstract submission and proceedings are as follows. If the research does not fit ideally into the topics but still broadly into the themes, please selected the best fitting theme/topic and the committee will determine where best to position the research, during your abstract upload.
1. SHC Systems and Components
- Solar thermal collectors
- Low to medium temperature thermal storage
- Other innovative components and systems
- Performance measurement, durability and reliability
- Solar and heat pump systems
- PVT systems
- Testing, standards, and certification for solar thermal technologies
- Solar ponds
2. SHC Applications
- Domestic solar water heating
- Solar space heating and hybrid applications
- District heating
- Solar heat for industrial and agricultural processes
- Solar refrigeration and solar air conditioning
3. Producing and Storing Renewable Electricity
- Photovoltaics: Cells, materials and components; advanced materials and concepts; design, operation and performance of PV systems; balance of system components; codes and standards; testing and certification; concentrating PV
- Concentrating solar power technologies: solar concentration fundamentals and optical engineering, heat transfer, materials and components; solar thermal electricity systems; co-generation; solar thermochemical production of fuels and chemicals
- Wind energy, ocean energy, hydro and other direct conversion renewables
- Biomass energy, geothermal and other thermal renewables
- Electrical storage technologies at Grid or utility-scale
- Medium/high temperature thermal storage for electricity production with CSP systems
4. Renewable Energy Grid Integration & Distribution: Utilities of the Future
- Grid integration of variable renewable and energy storage systems
- Active demand-side management
- Smart Grids strategies including smart metering
5. Off-Grid & Rural Energy Access
- Off-grid energy supply
- Community micro power and hybrid systems
- Solar cooking and clean cook stoves
6. Solar Architecture and Building Integration
- Integrating renewable technologies into buildings
- Sustainable building materials and components
- Net zero energy buildings
- Daylighting
- Energy storage in buildings
7. Renewable Cities and Community Power Programs
- Urban and regional planning to maximize renewable energy
- Policies and financial mechanisms
- Clean transportation technologies and strategies
8. Solar Resource Assessment and Energy Meteorology
- Renewable resource assessment and applications
- Resource forecasting
- Resource measurement and instrumentation
9. From Laboratory to the Real World: Solar Energy Markets, Policies and Initiatives that Enable Commercialization
- Strategies, policies and case studies for renewable heat and electricity
- Education and workforce development
10. Water, Food, and Energy Nexus
- Solar thermal desalination technology
- Solar electrical desalination technology
- Solar detoxification of water
- Integrating desalination with thermal and electrical systems
- Solar supported agriculture in desert regions